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Ever have a number that pops up more than randomness says it should? I have such a number.... The number is 666...

I hear you saying to yourself 'oh sure, right.' Well, it's true. Ask my friends. Or view some for yourself.

Like walking with a friend, and passing a 'for rent' sign, complete with phone number. Phone number is slightly altered here, so you all won't call em up and bug em.

Or maybe playing video games...

Or going to a friend's house, sitting down at the computer desk, looking up, and seeing the 3 videotapes they just threw there earlier during a quick clean...

How about sitting for someone, and the first time you go there, she hands you this to put away for her?

Or weird things happening in cars.... (One altered to protect his license plate number.)

Or even on the bus...

Or a friend's choice of sewing material....

Or the counter on my web page. Hi to Kasey who was the magickal number.

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