The Book of Translations is an idea I've been kicking around for a long time now - years. Ever since the 70's, to be exact. How, you may ask? Simple...

The Book of Translations is how I interpet songs... The visuals I see, the ideas they express, to me, the horror they evoke.

And I don't mean the mtv-type music video flashing in your mind when you hear a song. I'm talking of songs that grab you, that shake you, that won't let you go...

There are so many to do...

The first is a classic Alice Cooper. From there, who knows? Maybe KISS. Maybe Pink Floyd. But regardless, they will be done slowly and over time, as I get the chance.

As I've said, these are based on songs. I've named each by the artist, and then the name of the song. It is strongly recommended that you obtain the songs before you view. They can be viewed without, but the mood isn't as strong.

I've chosen to not use thumbnails for this portion of my page, so please be patient as each loads, and please, don't rush through them looking at the images - turn off the lights, start the music. and follow along....

Alice Cooper - Years Ago / The Awakening

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